Friday, July 27, 2007

An Organic Oxymoron

Today I was in the grocery store and was surprised to find fish labeled certified organic farmed salmon. I remarked to the fish monger that this seemed to be a contradiction in terms. He said no - "The only way that you could have certified organic fish was to have it farmed so that you could certify that the fish were eating only certified organic foods". The true meaning and intent of organics is to provide food as only mother nature can provide. As fish live in the ocean their natural diet is algae and other fish, not certified organic soy and corn. So while the fish may be eating certified organic foods in my dictionary these fish are hardly organic. And besides are there really farmers out in the wild ocean adding herbicides and pesticides to the salmons natural food supply?


Kerri W said...

Hi Cheryl

Good call. Did you see what the Organic Consumers Association has to say on organic fish?

"National Organic Standards, finalized in 2002, are under attack. The most recent attack included moves in April by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) to allow previously banned inorganic crops, antibiotics and synthetic hormones in organic dairy production, and fishmeal containing PCBs and mercury residues to be fed to animals on organic farms.”

I just wrote an article about this if you'd like to read more

Kimberly Walker said...

I giggled as I read this and cried at the same time! Geewhiz! It really is hard to filter throught the green washed organic maze isn't it!
Kimberly Walker

Kimberly Walker said...

I giggled as I read this and cried at the same time! Geewhiz! It really is hard to filter throught the green washed organic maze isn't it!
Kimberly Walker

Anonymous said...

I completely agree.
It´s a redundancy.

Cathy Thompson said...

Hi Cheryl
I tried "organic farmed salmon" a few months ago; it was horribly expensive and it tasted disgusting.

Anonymous said...

Hi Cheryl, That was really good thinking, Cheryl! I bet the person behind the fish counter didn't know what to say after...good for you! Denise from Salem NH

Rebecca said...

In some places in the oceans there is up to 6 times more plastic than plankton.
There are pesticides and other petrochemicals in all fish and every living thing, no control group can be found.
The oceans are contaminated with every toxic chemical imaginable
Read "Our Stolen Future"
GREAT blog Cheryl!