Saturday, March 3, 2007

Great Beginnings

On my last post I promised to provide you with some of my favorite breakfast recipes so here they are. A few notes: 1) make your breakfast nutrient dense by including whole grains, healthy fats and also fruit and/or vegetables. 2) Make sure your whole grains are 100% whole grain (or at least are more whole grain than processed flour). 3) I do not use dairy products for a variety of reasons to be discussed in a later post (for information now check out 4) I frequently add cinnamon to my breakfasts as there is some scientific evidence that cinnamon helps control blood sugar levels 5) Citrus fruits will help you absorb minerals in your foods more easily. Also there is some research suggesting that grapefruit will better help you metabolize the fat in your diet.


French Toast: 1 egg (look for organic, high omega 3 eggs) ¼ cup orange juice, 2 T cinnamon, 3 slices of whole wheat bread. Dip bread in a mixture of other ingredients. Fry in a pan coated with coconut oil. Serve with real maple syrup.

Baked Apple: Core a whole apple. Put the apple in a bowl. Add raisins and nuts to the whole were the core was. Pour apple juice into the bowl to equal about one inch. Bake at 350 for about 15 minutes until apple is soft. Serve with coconut milk

Whole Wheat Couscous: Heat 1/3 cup of almond or soy milk until boiling. Add in 1/3 cup couscous and a handful of raisins. Let this sit for 5 minutes. Sprinkle on cinnamon and serve. NOTE - this also makes a nice dessert.

Seven Grain Kashi: Boil 2 cups of apple juice or apple cider. Add in one package of Kashi seven grain pilaf and some raisins. Cook for 40 minutes. Add cinnamon and serve. Serve with coconut milk if desired.

Vegetable Frittata: Stir fry a handful of vegetables. Whisk 2 eggs (look for organic, high omega 3 eggs) with salt and pepper. Pour eggs over vegetable and fry until set

Until next time – Happy eating!


FabulousOrganics said...

Question: I've never had coconut milk. Can you drink it straight at room temperature or does it taste better cold or warm? Do you add any natural sweetener to it or is it sweet on its own? -RSR

Cheryl Rounds said...

You can usually find canned coconut milk in the Asian section or your supermarket (particully the Thai section) and some times in the whole foods section. It is usually mixed with water and separated so you can either just scoup out thickened cream or mix the can for a more milky consistancy. It can be consumed without sweetner but I sometimes add stevis to it to sweeten it just a bit (I especially like the sweetened cream with whole grain waffles and berries). It can be consumed at any temperature.