Monday, March 19, 2007

Wear Your Greens and Eat Them Too

Happy belated St Patrick's Day! Many of you probably put careful thought into which article of green clothing you wore yesterday but did you also give careful consideration as to which greens you included in your food choices - And I don't mean green jello. Most people do not know that green leafy vegetables are rich sources of minerals including calcium and magnesium. And because of the balance of these minerals the calcium is more bioavalable then the calcium in dairy products. The darker the green the more nutrient dense the vegetable. Think salad greens like romaine, spinach and red leaf (forget the nutrient poor iceberg lettuce) Think cooked greens like kale, spinach, collard greens, bok choy and fennel. Think green stems and flowers like broccoli and asparagus And don't forget the green herbs like parsley, cilantro, dill, oregano and thyme. Besides providing minerals these plant foods also provide, vitamins, antioxidents and other phytonutrients. Parsley considered by many to be just a pretty garnish and breath freshener is reallya powerhouse of nutrition. Consider getting a rotary herb grater and adding parsley sprinkles to things like soup and spaghetti sauce.

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