Friday, July 27, 2007

An Organic Oxymoron

Today I was in the grocery store and was surprised to find fish labeled certified organic farmed salmon. I remarked to the fish monger that this seemed to be a contradiction in terms. He said no - "The only way that you could have certified organic fish was to have it farmed so that you could certify that the fish were eating only certified organic foods". The true meaning and intent of organics is to provide food as only mother nature can provide. As fish live in the ocean their natural diet is algae and other fish, not certified organic soy and corn. So while the fish may be eating certified organic foods in my dictionary these fish are hardly organic. And besides are there really farmers out in the wild ocean adding herbicides and pesticides to the salmons natural food supply?

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Damage Control

This morning, as I frequently do, I watched a portion of "Good Morning America" I was particularly enticed to watch the segment on cancer myths. Not being an expert on everything but having done a good amount of research on cancer and its causes, I can only say that this segment of Good Morning America was nothing more than damage control for corporate America. The two myths that I instantly recognized as "cover thy ass for our advertisers" were:

1) that chemicals in body care have absolutely no relationship to breast or other cancers. I suggest they take a look at the Organic Consumers Organization's study on parabens and breast cancer. Now while one could argue that the study does not prove beyond a doubt - keep in mind that the tobacco industry is still trying to say that smoking does not cause cancer. And why take a chance and play with fire when there are many chemical free products on the market. My favorite is the MiEssence line form Australia. You can check them out at While you are there make sure to download the free ebook "Chemical Cocktails" for more information about chemicals in body care.

2) the 2CD myth I would like to dispute with "Good Morning America" is that the sun causes cancer. As humans we developed in a word full or sunshine not sunscreens. Our body needs the sun to make Vitamin D. There is more and more evidence coming out that the lack of sun not the addition of sun is creating a rise in the cancer rate. Also most people don't realize that the chemicals in typical sunscreens are carcinogenic (they work by absorbing the sun and in the process breakdown to free radicals which cause cancer) In fact 3 of the 4 chemicals now used in sunscreens in the US are already banned in Europe and they are looking into banning the 4Th. For an in depth article on this topic see While sunblocks such as zinc oxide can be safer than sunscreens, they still prevent us from getting the Vitamin D we need and should not be used on a daily basis. By the way ONE Group just came out with an organic sunblock which you can check out at

There were other myths covered on "Good Morning America" such as cell phones. For me knowing that the truth was not told on at least 2 portions of the story, the whole story becomes questionable. It seems the whole gist of this report was "Don't worry- be happy" But you know the old saying "Liar. liar pants on fire" this statement appears to apply more in this instance.

Friday, July 13, 2007

Poisons In Our Food

What's really in your food and what are the long term effects of eating chemically laden foods day after day. Listen to Jeff Rense interview Dr Russel Blaylock about msg, aspartame, and fluoride among other things.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Cold, Refreshing and Delicious - Ice Cream Alternatives

It's summer and its hot. For many of us our first thought is to go out and get ice cream. Some of us consider ice cream one of the basic four food groups even though we know it is not a health food. Here are some refreshing alternatives and a way to get more healthy fruits into your diet.

STRAWBERRY FRUIT FREEZE (my personal favorite)
1- 1# bag frozen strawberries
2 previously frozen bananas w/o skins
1 sm can crushed pineapple
Blend in a VitaMix or food processor until smooth

ORANGE JUICE ICE (or any juice flavor)
1-12 oz can frozen juice concentrate (use 100% juice for healthiest ices)
1 Qt rice milk or other nondairy milk. partially frozen
Blend in a VitaMix or food processor until smooth You may have to poor the mexture into a shallow container and freexe until almost frozen and then blend

1 qt box vanilla soymilk or other vanilla nondairy milk
2 cups frozen cherries
Freeze nondairy milk until almost frozen. Blend in a VitaMix or food processor until smooth. Add in cherries and blend briefly so that their are cherry chunks dispersed throughout the ice

Melon Ices
Frozen Cut up pieces of fresh melon
Fresh squeezed orange, lemon or lime juice if desired
Blend in a VitaMix or food processor until smooth
note: I usually do watermelon solo, cantaloupe with orange juice and honeydew with lime

Juice Pops
Go to the health food section of your store. Pick out a 100% juice blend that suits your fancy. Freeze in pop molds. This is a great summertime diet helper. The pops are only about 60 calories each and will satisfy both your appetite and your thirst.

If you are in the mood for a sundae, try the Strawberry Fruit Freeze along with chocolate or strawberry sauce and coconut milk. For a really refreshing treat try putting the orange juice ice in a tall glass of pineapple juice. This is a great refresher after a long bike ride on a hot day.

Note that because these treats do not contain emulsufiers and chemical antifreezes, that it you put them away in the freezer they will freeze solid. You will have to let them soften a bit outside the freezer before serving.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Michael Moore's Film "Sicko"

You can currently view "Sicko" in its entirety at;7822955;/fileinfo.html While Michael Moore exposes the problem of the for profit system we have in this country, his film comes up short on dealing with the fact that we are sick because of our lack of knowledge of good health. As long as the insurance industry, the pharmaceutical industry, the processed food industry, the chemical industries and the entire medical industry make obscene profits from our being sick, they will do everything in their power to keep us in the dark about wellness.

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Tell FDA Not to Weaken Labeling for Irradiated Foods!

What if the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) proposed a rule that would intentionally hide information you rely on to make decisions about what to feed yourself and your family? Or if FDA proposed changing food labeling information to something the agency knows to be misleading to consumers?
Well, FDA has announced just such a rule to weaken labeling of irradiated foods.
Currently, irradiated food must be labeled as “Treated with irradiation” or “Treated by radiation” and have on them the irradiated symbol. But now, in yet another attempt to appease industry at the expense of the public, the FDA has proposed a new rule that would allow irradiated food to be marketed in some cases without any labeling at all. In other cases, the rule would allow the terms “electronically pasteurized” or “cold pasteurized” to replace the use of “irradiated” on labels. These terms are not used by scientists, but rather are designed to fool consumers about what’s been done to their food.
Pasteurization involves heating liquids for the purpose of destroying harmful bacteria and other pathogens, and has been used safely for decades. Irradiation is a completely different process, using high-energy gamma rays, electron beams, or X-rays on meat, grains, and other foods.
Labeling irradiated foods as “pasteurized” is simply untruthful and misleading. Allowing the marketing of irradiated food without any labeling is equally misleading. Consumers have demanded irradiation labeling because they know that irradiation can create potentially dangerous chemical byproducts and reduce their foods' nutritional value.
In fact, FDA’s own research found that the proposed change would confuse consumers, stating "Research indicates that many consumers regard substitute terms for irradiation to be misleading."
What is the FDA hiding? A lot.
Consumers have a right to truthful labeling in order to make informed choices for themselves and their families. A public comment period is open until July 3, 2007.
Protect Your Right to Know: Tell the FDA Not to Weaken the Rules for Labeling Irradiated Food!
Take action online here:

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Organic Or Not

If you are trying to eat organic on a budget, you may do some of your shopping at Wal-Mart for cheaper prices. Be aware Wal-mart has been caught labelling non organic foods as organic in the state of Wisconsin. With a corporation like Wal-Mart looking after its bottom line, one has to wonder if this is also going on in other states?

And for an interesting video regarding the real cost we pay the for low prices at Wal-Mart

Monday, April 16, 2007

Vioxx Killed Over 100,000 - How Many Will Statin Drugs Kill

Vioxx (and also other Cox2 inhibitors) was a common prescription for aches and pains that was given to many people before it was removed from the market for causing death via heart disease. In the court cases, it has come to light that the people that produced Vioxx were well aware of its potential to adversely affect the heart. Yet they still saw to it that these drugs were brought to market and actively marketed as drugs of choice for treating aches and pains.

Today, we have a whole class of drugs commonly prescribed to people by the medical field because their blood level of cholesterol is deemed high. Medical science has attributed high levels of cholesterol to heart disease, yet the truth be known about 50% of the people who have heart attacks have normal cholesterol levels. Also studies with older populations show people with higher cholesterol levels have a longer life expectancy. A good perspective on the falsity of cholesterol theory has been done by a Swedish MD, Dr Uffe Ravnskov. He has written a book called "The Cholesterol Myths"

In medicine the standard for bringing any drug to market should be the benefits in taking that drug outweigh any risks involved from that same drug. In the case of statin drugs, they effectively lower the blood cholesterol numbers by interfering with a metabolic pathway involved in the bodies production of cholesterol. However, studies have failed to show a lower mortality rate simply from lowering cholesterol numbers. And there are several problems associated with interfering with this metabolic pathway. Most notably this same pathway interferes with the bodies supply of CoEnzyme Q10. CoQ10 in involved in cellular energy production in all cells. A common side effect of statin drugs is muscle weakness caused by the lower amounts of CoQ10 that the body has to work with. The heart being the most important muscle in the body also has to function with a lower rate of CoQ10 bringing into question the wisdom of treating heart disease with this class of drugs.

Even more disturbing about this lowered rate of CoQ10, is the fact that this nutrient is typically low in cancer patients and is in fact considered one of the many alternative cancer cures (see ) In my mind this brings into question the fact that statin drugs as a class may cause cancer. In fact the rat studies of statin drugs did see an increase in cancers. The reason that this may not be evident in human trials of statin drugs is that most if not all of the studies of statin drugs lasted less than five years. Cancers typically take longer than five years to develop and in fact if you were to conduct a study trying to find a correlation of tobacco use and cancer and the study lasted only five years, you would probably not find a correlation.

The drug makers are well aware that these drugs lower CoQ10 in the body. In Europe and Canada, patients prescribed statin drugs also get a prescription for this nutrient. Merck has patented a version of Lipitor that includes CoQ10 in the US but has not brought it to market. And unlike Europe and Canada, few physicians in the US advise their patient to take CoQ10 supplements.

Another effect of statin drugs is that they stimulate the growth of blood vessels. While this may might sound like an innocuous benefit, the greatest need for increased blood vessel growth is from cancer cells and recently researchers have called this effect into question For more info on this see and/or

In closing I would like to add that this research takes on a personal note with me. My mother was a seven year statin drug user. She recently passed away at the young age of 72 from pancreatic cancer. I fully attribute her death to her total trust in the medical industry.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

The Drugging of Our Children

Our brightest and most active children are often labeled with psychiatric labels and drugged. Watch this video for some disturbing details. Big pharma would like to see all of our kids on drugs for life. Under the influence of Big pharma programs such as "teen screen" have been set in place to label and drug more of our kids. Ask yourself what is going to happen to society when this generation of kids grow up.

Monday, April 9, 2007

Blue - The Alternative to Red

Everyone has heard of the health benefits of red wine. But do you know that blueberries also contain resveratrol, the compound in red wine thought to be responsible for heart health. Blueberries also contain many other potent antioxidants. For more information on the goodness of blueberries visit:

Saturday, April 7, 2007

Are your soap and water safe

A new study published on the Environmental Science & Technology research website found that triclosan, a widely used ingredient in antibacterial hand sterilization products, combines with chlorine in tap water to make the toxin chloroform. The researchers found that people using these products would be exposed to chloroform levels 40 percent higher than that found in tap water. Chloroform is a toxic chemical and a probable carcinogen. Previous studies have shown that the overuse of antibacterial soaps produces "super bacteria" that are able to survive exposure to antibacterial products. It is recommended that such products be used on limited and minimal levels. Note that some toothpastes also contain triclosan.

And as far as your water is concerned, if you are not as lucky as I am to have well water instead of chlorinated and fluoridated tap water you may want to consider adding a filter. My friend Jim McMahon is an expert in water and air purification and he will be happy to help you with your filtering needs. You can check out his website at I also recommend point of use filters for shower and bath from

As always remember to use organic and chemical free body care products to help keep the earth clean from toxic chemicals in traditional body care products. My favorite line is MiEssence from Australia, For more information about the problems of chemicals in body care and to order MiEssence products check out my website

Thursday, March 29, 2007

How Toxic Are You?

Ever wonder how much the chemicals in your environment effect you? Here is a short video from MSN news about the chemicals that showed up in the blood of a National Geographic reporter.

And remember that you do have control over the foods you eat and the body care products you use. You can limit your exposure to chemicals by going organic. To find out more about the problems of chemicals in body care check out my website and while you are there check out the MiEssence line of certified organic and organic cosmetics, skin and body care products

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Health Freedom at Risk

Do you know about Codex? It is the attempt by multinational corporations to limit our access to supplements and natural remedies and make our personal health care dependent on Big Pharma controlled drugs and regulated supplements. The video "We Become Silent" is a must watch video on this issue.

Also if you think it couldn't happen here, consider that recently our all powerful FDA threatened to confiscate cherry crops. Because cherry farmers were posting published scientific studies on the benefits of eating cherries on their websites, the FDA was claiming that cherries were being sold as unregulated drugs. More info here:

Monday, March 19, 2007

Wear Your Greens and Eat Them Too

Happy belated St Patrick's Day! Many of you probably put careful thought into which article of green clothing you wore yesterday but did you also give careful consideration as to which greens you included in your food choices - And I don't mean green jello. Most people do not know that green leafy vegetables are rich sources of minerals including calcium and magnesium. And because of the balance of these minerals the calcium is more bioavalable then the calcium in dairy products. The darker the green the more nutrient dense the vegetable. Think salad greens like romaine, spinach and red leaf (forget the nutrient poor iceberg lettuce) Think cooked greens like kale, spinach, collard greens, bok choy and fennel. Think green stems and flowers like broccoli and asparagus And don't forget the green herbs like parsley, cilantro, dill, oregano and thyme. Besides providing minerals these plant foods also provide, vitamins, antioxidents and other phytonutrients. Parsley considered by many to be just a pretty garnish and breath freshener is reallya powerhouse of nutrition. Consider getting a rotary herb grater and adding parsley sprinkles to things like soup and spaghetti sauce.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Gardasil - More Information To Be Aware Of

I have just found out some interesting facts about the new HPV vaccine that I wanted to pass on

1) Merck outsourced some of its Gardasil trials to Contract Research Organizations (CROs) in the developing world,including JayaJan Pharmaceutical Research in India. CROs are part of a $14 billion industry that recruits subjects and runs trials for BigPharma. Conflicts of interest can arise when CROs are paid royalties only after a drug is approved rather than getting a set fee independent of results, or when CROs believe favorable findings will lead to future contracts. Merck spokesperson Amy Rose refused to specify how, or even if, the company oversees CROs.
This information comes from the article HPV vaccine: Betting on a Mercky record by Terry J. Allen

2) Gardasil contains Polysorbate 80, which is linked to infertility in mice

3) Gardasil contains sodium borate (a common roach killer) In 2005 the National Library of Medicine (NLM) of the National Institutes of Health noted that sodium borate “is now known to be a dangerous poison, it is no longer commonly used in medical preparations.”

4) Anyone receiving the full set of 3 vaccines would be receiving 675 mcg of aluminum. Aluminum is a toxic metal when injected into our bloodstreams and can adversely affect muscles, tissues, nerves and brain. There are also associations of Alzheimers with aluminum.

How dare they try to mandate this toxic soup into the arms of our little girls!

Friday, March 9, 2007

The Big C - It is Not What You Think

The word cancer is equated with the word tumor according to Western Medicine. So Western Medicine treats the cancer by trying to eliminate the tumor by surgery, radiation and chemo (the cut, burn and poison method). The idea of chemo is that the poisons will affect fast growing cells first like cancers and the goal is to rid the body of the tumor before the chemo kills the patient. Often times these methods will work to shrink the tumors initially and put the patient into remission but the cancer then reappears with a vengeance some time later. If the tumors do not grow back in the first five years the remedy is considered to have worked even if the tumors reappear at five years and one day. And it doesn't matter to Western Medicine that their treatments greatly diminish the quality of life for patients using these techniques.

Alternative medicine views the tumor as a cancer symptom rather than the actual disease. There are several alternative theories about the causes of cancer and how best to treat the body. One of the most widely accepted alternative views is that cancer is a disfunction of the immune system and by boasting the immune system the body will rid itself of the tumors. Many alternate remedies such as intravenous Vitamin C and herbal tonics are designed to do just that. Another alternative theory is that cancer is a Vitamin deficiency (which could also tie into the first theory because if we don't give our bodies everything we need our immune system can not function properly).

Modern Western Medicine makes huge profits from their cut, burn and poison treatments of cancer. They do not want you to have knowledge of alternative treatments because it deeply cuts into their pockets It is therefore up to you to seek out the information regarding your own health. I highly recommend that your check out the website to educate yourself.

Also if you doubt that Western Medicine will do everything in its power to limit your access to successful treatments check out the video "Hoxsey - How Healing Becomes A Crime"

Thursday, March 8, 2007

Gardasil-Sex, Lies and Videotapes

Merck the infamous maker of Vioxx is attempting to inject their new vaccine Gardasil into the arm of every preadolescent girl in the US. The series of 3 shots which costs over $900 total is said to be effective against some forms of HPV (human papillomavirus) that may cause cervical cancer in some women. (Notice the words some and may).

Merck was desperate to find a cash cow on the heals of the many lawsuits against Vioxx (Lie #1- Vioxx is a safe and effective drug for arthritis pain. According to internal documents Merck was fully aware of its potential to cause heart problems when it went to market). Merck attempted to go the mandatory vaccine route – a proven cash winner.. Merck used an initial one- two punch to both gain acceptance of its vaccine and assure that lawmakers would add it to the list of mandatory vaccines. Steps 1 (from Basic Marketing 101) create a need and desire for the vaccine. This was done through a massive advertising campaign including frequent TV commercials (videotapes) appealing to our emotions to save all our girls from the fate of cervical cancer. Step 2 (a proven Big Pharma technique) use lobbyists to bribe politicians to make the vaccine mandatory in their state. The governor of Texas bypassed .the legislature and issued an Executive order making the vaccine mandatory in his state. Merck was thrilled as several more states were due to follow. Then their plan backfired. For one thing parents called foul as they declared their right over the state to decide whether a vaccine that protected against sexually transmitted disease could be forced upon their daughters. And secondly the money trail behind the lobbying effects in Texas and other states became public knowledge. Merck retreated with its tail between its legs and promised to be good – no more payoffs.

Things were quiet for about a week or so and then coincidently a study came out that stated that 27% women between 18 and 59 were infected with HPV (I wonder who sponsored this research – is this .another attempt at Marketing 101- create a need and desire for a product and people will come knocking on your door). While the 27% figure sounds dire, the news headline and two minute news report on the TV which hyped the information failed to report the full facts of the story. The truth being that that the most important risk factors for cervical cancer are age, marital status and number of sexual partners. Also although 27% of women were shown to carry this virus it is believed that 90% of all HPV infections clear on their own in two years. Further only 2% of the women were infected with the type of HPV associated with cervical cancer and only 3% had one of the four types of HPV that Gardasil was designed to prevent. For more information please see

Gardasil has only been tested short term. Since the main risk factor for cervical cancer is risky sexual behavior, why should we mandate injecting all of our girls with this vaccine? No one knows the long term effects of this vaccine which may include sterility. I don’t know about you but I do not want my daughter to be a guinea pig in Merck’s vaccination program. Besides they lied about Vioxx – who knows what lies they are hiding about Gardasil.

Saturday, March 3, 2007

The Future of Food - Video

This is a must watch video. It was previously hosted on Google videos but has been removed. It can now be found on YouTube. The first part is at - there are seven parts in all.

Peace and love to all!

Great Beginnings

On my last post I promised to provide you with some of my favorite breakfast recipes so here they are. A few notes: 1) make your breakfast nutrient dense by including whole grains, healthy fats and also fruit and/or vegetables. 2) Make sure your whole grains are 100% whole grain (or at least are more whole grain than processed flour). 3) I do not use dairy products for a variety of reasons to be discussed in a later post (for information now check out 4) I frequently add cinnamon to my breakfasts as there is some scientific evidence that cinnamon helps control blood sugar levels 5) Citrus fruits will help you absorb minerals in your foods more easily. Also there is some research suggesting that grapefruit will better help you metabolize the fat in your diet.


French Toast: 1 egg (look for organic, high omega 3 eggs) ¼ cup orange juice, 2 T cinnamon, 3 slices of whole wheat bread. Dip bread in a mixture of other ingredients. Fry in a pan coated with coconut oil. Serve with real maple syrup.

Baked Apple: Core a whole apple. Put the apple in a bowl. Add raisins and nuts to the whole were the core was. Pour apple juice into the bowl to equal about one inch. Bake at 350 for about 15 minutes until apple is soft. Serve with coconut milk

Whole Wheat Couscous: Heat 1/3 cup of almond or soy milk until boiling. Add in 1/3 cup couscous and a handful of raisins. Let this sit for 5 minutes. Sprinkle on cinnamon and serve. NOTE - this also makes a nice dessert.

Seven Grain Kashi: Boil 2 cups of apple juice or apple cider. Add in one package of Kashi seven grain pilaf and some raisins. Cook for 40 minutes. Add cinnamon and serve. Serve with coconut milk if desired.

Vegetable Frittata: Stir fry a handful of vegetables. Whisk 2 eggs (look for organic, high omega 3 eggs) with salt and pepper. Pour eggs over vegetable and fry until set

Until next time – Happy eating!

Thursday, March 1, 2007

Off to a healthy start

Good morning sunshine! Are you off to a healthy start today? Most of us were raised eating the Standard American Breakfast – cold cereal, a muffin, pancakes or a donut, a glass of milk and maybe a glass of juice. As an adult we probably added coffee to this mix. Because we were indoctrinated into this type of breakfast at a young age (cheerios were most likely one of your first foods) and because this breakfast was mom approved, we probably never questioned its nutritional value. While we may have figured out that processed cereal, muffins, donuts and pancakes are of limited nutritional value, few of us realize the full impact that this type of breakfast has on our daily food choices. You see foods that consist mostly of white flour and sugar quickly break down into glucose and cause our blood sugar to rapidly rise. This causes our body to put out massive amounts of insulin (the put it away hormone) which removes the sugar from our blood and stores it as glycogen in our muscles and triglycerides in our fat cells Our blood sugar levels then dip below normal levels and we become hungry. Note that caffeine in coffee speeds up this whole process. Typically we than take a morning break of coffee or soda and more simple carbohydrates. So we repeat the high blood sugar/low blood sugar/insulin cycle and set ourselves up to be on this insulin roller coaster all day.

So what foods should we eat to start off our day and properly nourish our bodies? Consider that the foods that you choose should contain a natural supply of nutrients to contribute to your daily nutrient needs and also provide you with long lasting sources of energy. Here are some guidelines:. 1) Choose whole grains (organic when possible) and avoid white flour products. The carbohydrates in whole grains are intermingled with fiber so the body requires more time to break down and unlock the energy values in these foods. Glucose is released slower so insulin levels do not peak as high or crash as low (in effect whole grains offer a time release energy supply). Also whole grains contain more protein and more vitamins and minerals. 2) Eat whole fruits and limit juices. Again the fiber in whole fruits slows down the release of energy. Fruits contribute vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and other healing essentials. 3) Add healthy proteins and/or fats to your breakfast. These have the effect of allowing carbohydrates to be absorbed more slowly and moderating the insulin cycle. Avoid processed meats such as bacon or sausage as these contain nitrates and other chemicals that have been shown to be carcinogenic. Healthy fats contain fat soluble vitamins as Vitamins A, D, E and also may include essential fatty acids .Some healthy fats are butter, nuts, nut butters, eggs (a source of protein and fat), coconut and coconut oil (note while coconut oil is a saturated fat it is a medium chain saturated fat and is metabolized differently than the long chain saturated fats found in animal proteins – more on this is a future post). Avoid margarines as these contain unhealthy trans fatty acids. 4) Consider a beverage other than coffee. One of my favorites is teechino. I also enjoy herbal, green and white tea. 5) Stay away from artificial sweeteners. These trick your body into thinking you are giving it sugar causing it to release insulin and start you on the insulin roller coaster. They can also cause many health problems (see for information on aspartame (nutrasweet) and also for information on both aspartame and splenda). Stevia is a herbal sweetener used in South America for centuries and is a better choice if you are looking for a no caloric sweetener. 5) If you must use a sweetener consider less refined choices as sucanut, maple syrup, molasses, and raw honey. These contain naturally present vitamins and minerals that are striped away in the refining of white sugar and the processing of corn syrups.

Well, I can’t believe it is already 11 am and with my good start breakfast I still am not hungry. I had hoped to include some recipes today but my post is already much too long. Look for recipes tomorrow.

Monday, February 26, 2007

How natural is your life

How natural is your life? Do you try to eat organic foods, are you aware about the chemicals in your body care, do you use nontoxic cleaners? Are you actively seeking knowledge to improve your health or do you believe that health is simply a matter of luck and it is your doctor's job to cure you of all your ills. If you listen to the evening news or watch any TV, you are continually being bombarded by the idea that you are sick and only the newest prescription drug can help. I have set up this blog to share my thoughts about holistic health, organic whole foods, organic body care and natural healing. I hope to include information on organic and holistic living, review relevant books , provide natural health tips and pass along recipes. I have adopted the motto "Helping to heal the planet one person at a time" because I truly believe that in order to heal our planet we must first heal ourselves.

Today I would like to introduce you to an Australian company that I have aligned myself with. They produce the world's most extensive line of certified organic cometics, skin and body care products. Many people are totally unaware that the chemicals in their body care products could be harming their health. What many people fail to realize is that anything that they put on their skin is absorbed into their body (this is why nicotine and drug patches work). Corporate interests in America have allowed cosmetic companies to use many chemical ingredients that have already been banned in Europe. For more information on this problem, please visit my website You can download an ebook there called "Chemical Cocktails" . You can also hear my talk on this issue.

Please feel free to comment on this post. See you soon!